P.O.P.U.L.A.R. members should watch their e-mail on Monday, April 28th for a discussion of the pros and cons of applying for a special permit for their dock platform if it does not fall within the scope of the DNR's 2008 General Permit. Please forward the e-mail on to everyone on your list who has a need to know but has not asked to get P.O.P.U.L.A.R. mail directly.
As an update in the meantime, I can report that I met directly with Governor Pawlenty last week. The Governor is aware of the considerable concern P.O.P.U.L.A.R. members have regarding D.N.R. regulations. We discussed both the issue of dock platform size and proposed regulations by Senator Mary Olson's supporters that would enforce the limited "aquatic impact area" written into the 2008 General Permit and restrict dockage, boat lifts, canopies and, ultimately, watercraft. I am not going to speak for the Governor, but MY sense from our conversation is that he seeks to strike a balance between concern for the health of the public waters and concern for the investment Minnesotans have made in their lakeshore properties, the health of the economy dependent on businesses that support lakeshore owners' use and enjoyment of their properties and maintaining a quality of life that Minnesotans have pursued on the lakes for decades.
Remember, if you want to be added to the mailing list, send an e-mail to protectlakes@gmail.com and you'll be added.
We are waiting to hear from the D.N.R. on how they intend to handle our first special permit application from a "legacy dock" owner. As soon as we have a better handle on the similarities, or differences, between the D.N.R.'s "talk" and their "walk", I'll post with more information. In the meantime, read the April 28th e-mail when it hits your e-mailbox.
Think Spring!!
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